

Storm King's Thunder--D&D Encounters S23 S31

The Sword Coast Collective gathers in Ten Town's with two new adventurers and heads to the Trackless Sea in search of the Kracken Society Kidnap vessel. There is a island of natives who report having seen a strange ship. The party is reunited with Zephyros the Mad who is using a giant magnifying glass attached to the top of his cloud castle to burn crusading Frost Giants. Finally, the party locates King Hekaton and attach the Kracken Society ship seeking to free the comatose King.

Xanathar's Guide to Everything looks Fantastic

Adventure Map

Actual Play Storm King's Thunder--D&D Encounters S23 S31


Actual Play Storm King's Thunder--D&D Encounters S23 S28

The Sword Coast Collective returns to Ten Town, participate in a fishing tournament, and then head off to the Storm King's palace!

The giant count is at 38.

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