

Actual Play Elemental Evil--D&D Encounters S20 S7


Eagles, Magots, Ketchup, Mexican Food, and Failed Survivor

Though I am showing no improvement at using Pano on my iPhone to capture the room, I did have a great night at D&D Encounters at Comic Quest in El Toro--it was Secret Wars Kickoff day, which was not nearly as big a deal as I thought it would be, but still a great night of D&D.

We had two DMs--above you see Robert with a Coke in his hand--Camille is kneeling by Brendan next to Jack next to Ben by Regina...not sure what happened to Josh's face, but the Mountain Dew can came out great!

Camille made a great DM Head Band!We had lots of candy...

The shop is still running two games out side & the games inside are going great--we did have a wonderful Hugo Conversation before the start of play, as well as argued about the Bearded C 

which is correctly called a c-cedilla.

Brian showed up a little late & he and Jack once again had a blast...Jack was unable to identify this image

which cost Jack all of this RP1 points!

Running with two DM's was great--one did the RP and the other did Combat & both of them scored crits in their own way!

This hand crafted battle mat was amazing--a hand drawn map of the castle--ultimate infinite DIY points!

Pepto Bismo was a star--snuck in and lower the draw bridge!

We ended the session prepared for a big battle on the stairs!

A very fun week! 

We voted Jack off during the Survivor portion of the game--this is the second time he has been sent home!

Loudest Bird Ever @ DM Summit

I left my desk, which is starting to come together to have lunch at UCI with the Comic Quest DM's.

there was this very very loud bird.

Chloe highlights her book A LOT

The DMs are all doing great & the story is progressing--Chloe, Spencer, Chris, & Camille were all there and discussed their plans for tonight. Attendance was down a little last week, so tonight may be interesting.

Also, Camille told a story about cleaning out a ketchup dispenser that was clogged with maggots that will gross me out for infinity.

Top 7 Related People to Dungeons & Dragons

I did a search on Bing and got this image on the side that listed the top seven people related to D&D.

Gary Gygax & Dave Arneson are the creators. Clearly they should be on the list.

Vin Diesel, Tim Duncan, & Stephen Colbert are all fairly popular celebrities who have talked about playing D&D in interviews.

Jon Favreau is a movie director who is very well known is some circles but likely not a house hold name like Joss Whedon or something--but still a celebrity.

Chris Pritchard is...well...a man who killed his mom for the inheretence. During the police investigation he talked about playing D&D in the North Carolina Steam Tunnels...I do not think he is very famous...his involvement with D&D is very tangential and largely seen as a blight on the history of the Worlds Greatest Game. 

I was shocked to see him on the list when there are so many better examples of D&D Related People in popular culture.


Zak Smith

I think part of the reason might be because most of them are semi-new and don't realize that there's D&D in every direction, no matter what they decide to do.