

Kobolds, Drakes, and Ropers! Three's Company on Pie Night

I have missed a lot of D&D Encounters this season--which is double bad because I am DM'ing, but I am not missing Pie Night!

We started at Chipotle.

And then headed over the shop to get our game on--there were nine players and we ran one large table--we had to conclude the boss fight in the Hatchery.

We had all of our regulars -- actually a lot of people were not there because of the Holiday--so we had some of our regulars

And several new players

Brian and I had a great time running--a fine RP light combat session.

We ended up depowering a lot of the Monsters to make the session run more smoothly & I think everyone had a good time.

DM Summit

For the DM Summit this week, which we have not done in a very long time, we went to Sanaya in Irvine which was recommended by Sam. It does ok on Yelp, but is really one of those places that is near where a lot of people work so it can have a cheap lunch buffet and do ok--the food was not that great, and the ambience of the place was suburban mall chic--just not my cup of tea.

Discussion was primarily around new Blizzard releases and the glory of Blizzcon, the top five Christmas movies of all time, and current Super Hero TV shows--was really a fun time.

We are struggling a bit with D&D Encounters since WotC seems to have abandoned us without material until March--we, like a lot of shops are likely going to just continue to run the Hoard of the Dragon Queen material, which should be fine.


Mark Rosewater

zanmor asked: By comparison, what would you say defines a fantasy story? The use of myth?
Fantasy at its core is about morality, the concept of absolute good and absolute evil.