

Prerelease Plan--Khans of Tarkir

Got a very late start getting ready of this...Basically it is 5:02 AM Pacific Time & I am playing at DiceHouse at 12:00 Noon and I have looked at zero cards.

I want to play White / Black / Green -- but I do not know what that wedge is called [I don't even know the flavor, yet]--these are my notes for getting ready.

  1. Tweet the Pros--Chapin, LSV, Finkel, and Kibler for advice
  2. Image Gallery Review
  3. Tweet to Community--Wizards Magic, Wedge, & Magic the Amateuring podcast.
  4. Look at the Morph Flashcards

  5. Review the Channel Fireball PV’s Playhouse – Khans of Tarkir Prerelease Primer article
    a. Play three colors--CHECK
    b. Don't fear morph--CHECK
    c. There is lots of removal--CHECK
  6. Corrected spelling of Tarkir
  7. I think I want to play Abzan mostly because of Seige Rhino


Actual Play Hoard of the Dragon Queen--D&D Encounters S19 S5

Celestial Flare a Storm Breath Dragon

Great week at Tuesday, we invented the team saying:
 W.W.B.L.D--What Would Bruce Lee Do
which is very very funny if you are 12.

We invented a new house rule:

  1. Don't flip iPhone's to see who goes first.
And we only had one real rules discussion.

Andrew cast and swung with Stormbreath Dragon

I responded with Celestial Flare

Does Andrew sac the SBD or does he have protection from my white spell?

We ruled it did & we seem to have been right--again! 

7/1/2013Celestial Flare targets only a player, not any creature. A creature with hexproof or protection from white can be sacrificed this way.

That is three correct answers in a row!