
Showing posts with label Quote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quote. Show all posts


The Dungeonmaster

"I reject your reality and substitute my own"
The Dungeonmaster


Mike Mearls

We’re equal opportunity cheesecake merchants

Very interesting article on the Art of D&D. I really liked this part:
The Yuan-Ti Pit Master, is long-haired, hard-bodied and undeniably sexy.
Really? "Undeniably"?

to each their own, I guess...


Chris Perkins Wins Twitter

As a DM, how do you deal with a rules lawyer that disrupts the game to argue?

I would say, "You find a potion of shut-the-f*ck-up. Would you like to drink it?


Mark Barrowcliffe, The Elfish Gene: Dungeons, Dragons And Growing Up Strange

 I think the idea that women might fancy good-looking, well-adjusted men who are nice to them is too much for the average fantasy-head to bear.


R A Salvatore

The only thing worse then a psychotic demonic destroyer

is a deluded psychotic demonic destroyer.


What would a rational person want from a Demon Lord - Mike Mearls

Here is another great Mike Mearls D&D Quote

We really wanted to think about it "What would a rational person want from a Demon Lord". So we had some these ideas like you could take Orcus well  he is the Demon Prince of Undeath--he wants to kill everything and make it undead. What rational person would worship that or follow him. Or things like Demogorgon where it is like the pure rage if you want strength and power unlock that madness within you and destroy everything that stands in front of you "I will give you that strength"...or "we"...since Demogorgon has two heads.


Ray Bradbury

Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down


Your Creativity Is Born of Boredom -- Felicia Day

From a creativity standpoint, the fact that everyone is always reflexively going to their phone and checking it means that you don't get bored. And basically your creativity is born of boredom. So your brain starts to connect things that they wouldn't connect normally.

Taken from the Gaming the Brain episode of Takei's Take.



It is now, and always has been, a game for the civilized and kind.


Robert M. Pursig

No one is ever fanatically devoted to something they have complete confidence in. No one is fanatically shouting that the sun is going to rise tomorrow. They *know* it is. Whenever someone is fanatically devoted to a set of beliefs or dogmas or goals, it is only because those beliefs or goals are in doubt.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

China Mieville

“The problem with most genre fantasy is that it’s not nearly fantastic enough. It’s escapist, but it can’t escape.”


Chris Perkins

How you DM is as unique as 
how you paint or how you write. 
No two DMs are alike, and 
that’s as it should be.
Chris Perkins, Dungeon Master to the Stars


Zak Smith

I think part of the reason might be because most of them are semi-new and don't realize that there's D&D in every direction, no matter what they decide to do.


Freeman Dyson, physicist (b. 1923)

I believe that life can go on forever. It takes a million years to evolve a new species, ten million for a new genus, one hundred million for a class, a billion for a phylum -- and that's usually as far as your imagination goes. In a billion years, it seems, intelligent life might be as different from humans as humans are from insects. But what would happen in another ten billion years? It's utterly impossible to conceive of ourselves changing as drastically as that, over and over again. All you can say is, on that kind of time scale the material form that life would take is completely open. To change from a human being to a cloud may seem a big order, but it's the kind of change you'd expect over billions of years.


Mark Rosewater

zanmor asked: By comparison, what would you say defines a fantasy story? The use of myth?
Fantasy at its core is about morality, the concept of absolute good and absolute evil.

Mark Rosewater

conorace asked: Isn't the goal in a game to win?
The goal is how you win.



Brian Kibler

Life isn't all cut scenes and boss fights - killing boars adds up too


Mike Mearls on D&D 5E Design Ethos

we are not going to try to make rules that would stop people who want to be bored from doing boring things

Quote is at 48:12 on the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set Unboxing