

Tomb of Annihilation - D&D Encounters - S24 S05


Rivals of Ixalan Pre-Release

I got the best parking spot at the Pre-release which is something.

I did not know any of the cars, but Marco gave us plenty of time to build decks--read that to mean jack spent 30 minutes making me a black/white deck that I did not use.

The shop was well attended.

I went 2-2 which is not very good

Jack had a much better day then I did.

Also, Ryan drew this fantastic sketch


Actual Play Tomb of Annihilation > D&D Encounters S24 S04

Tomb of Annihilation > D&D Encounters S24 S04

Another great night of D&D Encounters at Alakazam comics.

The Nine's are still exploring Chult--this week we finished up the River Encounter and headed into the jungle in pursuit of the Grate Ape. I  ran the Ataaz Muhah encounter from the Tomb of Annihilation. 

Getting them from the river into the jungle was a little railroady--but the kids were struggling to stay focused and the role play I had planed with the rest of the caravan did not really pan out--several of the kids just want to kill everything!

We had a large crew this week--Cody, Josh, Josiah, Henry, Coco, Henry, Nick--a seven players table is not the biggest table I have ever DM'd, but when all the kids are under 10 it can get a little unfocused, if you know what I mean (and I know that you do)!

The kids are still really enjoying exploring the comic shop, which is wonderful to see

we did find another die after the game this week!