

Volo's Guide To Monsters


Actual Play Storm King's Thunder--D&D Encounters S23 S5


Storm King's Thunder--D&D Encounters S23 S5

So during D&D Encounters, UCI Librarian to the stars John Sisson stopped by to inform us that he was in the IMAX ad for Doctor Strange!

Such solid nerd brag!

I have been working a lot + listening to a lot of Phish. Likely not spending enough time in D&D Preparation and this week was a big Role Playing week--the Sword Coast Coalition meet there first Giant!

We had the same players--Melissa, Cody, Brian, Scott, Eric, and Jon the new guy!

New guy Jon had never played 5E--and on his very first roll, with advantage [a mechanic he had never heard of before] he scored an amazing double crit!

I had plenty of room behind the screen

the table had a lot of fun

It was a very good week.


Actual Play Storm King's Thunder--D&D Encounters S23 S4

Storm King's Thunder--D&D Encounters S23 S4

D&D Encounters at Alakazam Comics is now a WPN sanctioned!

we had another solid turn out--my kids were not there--but we did have Rajan a new player!

The mini game was a lot better this week--I had prepared some mini's for the Dripping Cave encounters & the players came through with some great pieces as well.

Predrawing the maps kept things moving very smoothly...

I love my dice this season

and I got a crit!

of course, one of my players out rolled me!