

Curse of Strahd--D&D Encounters S22 S15

Another fun week of D&D Encounters at Kingslayer Comics.

Melissa was back so the snacks were once again complete out of control.

I am getting to know the other players characters personalities better as we move into the final few weeks of this campaign.

I did struggle a lot tonight with table management--spell casters are hard to run when you have a bunch of other creatures. The Cherries are Zombies, the Coffee Cup lid is a Giant Skull. Baba is the green and yellow taffy. The red and blue skittles are scarecrows. the red line is a wall of fire. The red square is a zone of slow.

I thought the Brezek Runs of Baby Lysaga would be a lot harder -- but the 7th level castsers really shut the encounter down. I do not have much experience running 5E above level 5 and that likely came into play with my general tactics.

There were some crits & funbles but I did not use a table for those this night--this is funny...


Plane Shift: Innistrad

I09 has a review and some preview pages...I am out of my mind with excitement for this...

This is completely awesome & amazing FREE product!


Curse of Strahd--D&D Encounters S22 S14

Another great night of D&D Encounters at Kingslayer Comics playing through the Curse of Strahd--this week it was all about the Werewolves!

I have no idea what this blurry mess of a photo is supposed to capture

We did have macroons, not to be confused with Macroons

The table was in classic form.


Our mini's are really starting to solidify!

There was some wonderful role play and some great crits rolled

we continue to really enjoy the Paizo iCrit and iFumble applications