

Extra Life 2016

Team Tuesday has started planning for the 24-hour gaming marathon on 11/05/2016 to raise money for CHOC.

Magery of Lairt 2

Our Second adventure was a huge success!

James was great--he and I are playing logically obsessive gnomes.

Andrew is the mad DM who has created a wonderful world.

Cameron is playing a half-elf ranger & having a blast.

we have a ton of table space

I am trying to take better notes--I assume Andrew is stacking up some surprises for us...something more dangerous then simple traps...

I went with the Paris mug this week for the coffee which was excellent

I do need to get a new laptop--the Mac I am using is old and really not that great--I am using the Hero Lab 5E build which is great, but not flawless on a 5 year old mac.

James rolled the first CRIT


Civil War

 Jack, Brian, & I went and saw the opening of Civil War at the Spectrum...we had a great deal of fun taunting the Team Cap fans and taking our pictures with the standees...

 Jack nailed it--my hatred of Scarlet Witch & love of Hawkeye's bow is captured well in this photo.

Brain also nailed it--flipping off the Juicers while joining Team IM with fire and vigor.

We picked up the collectable cup & metal popcorn container.

 We played Magic in the VIP section.

It was a really fun time--felt like a return to a great time that Brian & Jack used to have...