

Review--Round Table 69 - Fantasy Grounds 2

This is a fantastic episode of Round Table discussing Virtual Table Tops--specifically Fantasy Grounds. The blurb has:

James Introcaso sits down with Doug Davidson of SmiteWorks, makers of Fantasy Grounds, and Greg Tito of Wizards of the Coast, makers of Dungeons and Dragons. They discuss the companies' partnership to bring Dungeons and Dragons products to Fantasy Grounds. Then we get a few teases from Greg about the upcoming Rage of Demons storyline! This podcast was recorded on May 7, 2014.

This is the podcast that actually got me to install Fantasy Grounds and start working through setup, license purchase, and the related tasks that go with preparing to run and play in Virtual Table Top Games.

The opening question--"what is your favorite magic item" is awesome & leads to some wonderful conversation around rings of invisibility, bags of holding, &  the Hand of Vecna 


Avenger's Poster Give Away Tea Time

Sean was coming over to pick up the Avengers-Age of Ultron poster that Jack & I picked up for Donnovan and Cody thought it would be a good idea for some Tea!

We went with Lion's Blend from FridayTea's Etsy shop

I am still using the tea pot that I got from Tevana--mostly because I love how well you can reheat and/or brew a second pot without making a giant mess or loosing to much flavor.

The tea looked solid & brewed up nicely

 Sean was running late and since we had to get Kate to dance Cody & I moved the poster out onto the patio

Cody added a lot of sugar

And some white chocolate chips

 It was a fun afternoon.

It looks like Friday has not posted a video in  a while, I really hope that she is not done with that video series--I really enjoy it!


Chris Perkins

How you DM is as unique as 
how you paint or how you write. 
No two DMs are alike, and 
that’s as it should be.
Chris Perkins, Dungeon Master to the Stars

Actual Play Elemental Evil--D&D Encounters S20 S8

Crisis of the 12

Another great session of the Bake in Vandales garage!

the Future drawing hijinks are back

I took better notes again this week--there is a lot going on.

The snacks were out of control.

I am still playing K>U>B>A the Monk--the latest in a long line of Shardminds that I have played during this campaign.

Cameron is back with a female dwarf cleric--very weird build.

Andrews Bemin is finally starting to be revieled to be the villian he is and/or may be.

Brett has his ganger regularly doing 150 points per round.

James was in fine form.

Brett scored a righteous Fun Dip!

The temple of the Silver Flame was burnt down--again--by Devils. We were able to rescue Leviticus & Marcus.

I think that Andrew is the only one who rolled a crit, those James rolled very well with my dice!