

Mother's Day


Princes of the Apocalypse Mind Map

I have created a mind map from my notes

which looks like this as an outline--I need to clean up all of the character name spellings.

Elemental Evil

  1. Caravan
    1. Teressa
      1. Moon Elf
      2. Abby of the Golden Fields
      3. Seeds
    2. Gwendorf
      1. Sheild Dwarf
      2. Ancient Texts
    3. Missing
      1. Three Days Late
      2. Entire Caravan
      3. Last seen in the Somber Hills
    4. Desario Magura
      1. Human
  2. Mirabar
  3. Town
    1. Contstable
    2. Welbers Wagon Works
      1. Ilneath Wilber
        1. Missing
        2. Did not receive shipment
        3. Expecting Shipment from Miramar
      2. Tunnel from Cave in opens in his shop
    3. Taverns
      1. Swinging Sword
        1. Very High Quality
      2. Helmet and High Song
        1. Common Taproom
    4. Meleko Stone Works
      1. Alhorry Meleko
      2. Received Shipment from Mirabar
    5. Collapsed into a pit
      1. Mage
        1. Moving Earth Motes
      2. Bandit Skeletons
  4. Shipment
  5. Somber Hills
    1. Feathergate Spire
    2. Giant Vulters
      1. Riders
      2. Fled when we attacked
  6. Tomb
    1. Two Wraith Gaurds
    2. Necromancer
      1. Dancing Sword
  7. Bandit Camp
    1. Bear in cage
  8. Key
    1. Super Important

Actual Play Elemental Evil--D&D Encounters S20 S7


Eagles, Magots, Ketchup, Mexican Food, and Failed Survivor

Though I am showing no improvement at using Pano on my iPhone to capture the room, I did have a great night at D&D Encounters at Comic Quest in El Toro--it was Secret Wars Kickoff day, which was not nearly as big a deal as I thought it would be, but still a great night of D&D.

We had two DMs--above you see Robert with a Coke in his hand--Camille is kneeling by Brendan next to Jack next to Ben by Regina...not sure what happened to Josh's face, but the Mountain Dew can came out great!

Camille made a great DM Head Band!We had lots of candy...

The shop is still running two games out side & the games inside are going great--we did have a wonderful Hugo Conversation before the start of play, as well as argued about the Bearded C 

which is correctly called a c-cedilla.

Brian showed up a little late & he and Jack once again had a blast...Jack was unable to identify this image

which cost Jack all of this RP1 points!

Running with two DM's was great--one did the RP and the other did Combat & both of them scored crits in their own way!

This hand crafted battle mat was amazing--a hand drawn map of the castle--ultimate infinite DIY points!

Pepto Bismo was a star--snuck in and lower the draw bridge!

We ended the session prepared for a big battle on the stairs!

A very fun week! 

We voted Jack off during the Survivor portion of the game--this is the second time he has been sent home!

Loudest Bird Ever @ DM Summit

I left my desk, which is starting to come together to have lunch at UCI with the Comic Quest DM's.

there was this very very loud bird.

Chloe highlights her book A LOT

The DMs are all doing great & the story is progressing--Chloe, Spencer, Chris, & Camille were all there and discussed their plans for tonight. Attendance was down a little last week, so tonight may be interesting.

Also, Camille told a story about cleaning out a ketchup dispenser that was clogged with maggots that will gross me out for infinity.