

Team Fire


Round Table 64 - Elemental Evil in Organized Play

Yet another fantastic episode of Round Table from the Tome Show network.

This episode starts off with the ice breaking question--"what is the most evil element"? Honda gets a vote, but Air wins even with Mike reminding us that ice is its own element!

The discussion focus on three main areas in 44 entertaining minutes:
     1. End of Hoard of the Dragon Queen
     2. Organized play updates, writing for organized play, etc.
     3. How things are going with Princes of the Apocalypse

The conversation could go a lot longer, there is a ton of very useful information.

As always, James is fantastic--upbeat fast paced--just a great host.

It is always good to hear from Mike Shea, Topher, and Joe as well--if you are involved in the Adventure League &/or DM'ing this season of Encounters, I strongly recommend you give this a listen.


Consequences of Stealing a D20

I used to have this fantastic D20

Until a bitter Magic player named Brian Stole it

To help with my grief I bought a great coffee cup

From Starbucks

It has a fantastic lid

And great dots 

It is not as great as my D20, but it is nice...Not as nice as playing D&D with my son Jack! ELBOWS STRAIGHT!

As you can see, Brian's D&D Table is not having nearly as much fun as our D&D Table!

See--ELBOWS STRAIGHT! Lots of Joy!

Camille is rocking some old school stolen office supply style D&D--note the massively multi color post it notes on the DM Screen above as well...

And, it is important to note, that Brian continued to not have fun--the curse of the D20 Thief


We are using D&D Rules from this amazing book.

People are rolling Crits

Actual Play Elemental Evil--D&D Encounters S20 S5


Tomb Raider Elemental Evil--D&D Encounters S20 S5

Encounters started off great this week with a new coffee cup!

Then Chase cam by with a bunch of treasure from the island paradise known as Hawaii! 

We headed down to Pei Wei--which was awesome even with their new poorly modified menu. And then to the Grocery Store to score some left over Easter Candy for half off!

At the Shop, Camille was already there & ready to run his first session!

Brendan was back and ready to play some kind of Genasi Fighter, I think.

Chase, after having his elven ranger voted off the island was back with an Amazing Character Concept--this completely awesome chaos wizard who saw strings on everything...balls to the wall greatness!

Everyone's favorite Goliath Fighter was ready to rock.

The table size was back up to crazy again this week--with like 8 people on our table--the shop continues to get more and more crowded! And of course, I still have no idea how to use Pano on my iPhone!

I still felt like I had plenty of space at the table

Even with all of the amazing snacks we had!

Camille did a great job behind the screen.

The rolling was good this week with multiple crits--I scored two on skill checks--but the role play was what really made this weeks session stand out--likely the best week so far for me!