Luckily we had something with which to whip our tears from our eyes
Then I tried to take a Pano photo inside the room
which I always seem to have a hard time getting started
and seems to stop and just take a regular picture cause I am doing something wrong
and then when I get it does not really look as awesome as I had hoped.
Our table did look fantastic
I had some great Gamescience dice to make up for the recently stolen D20
Here are the theives dice--not the high number of unmatching D6's--which is likely the sign of a deeper there a specific word for Dice Kleptomania
In any event, the other players all have these awesome Dice towers, so I made one from a Pringles container
I tore the bottom off of another tube to make an angled plane that would kick the die out
It worked great
Jack and then tried to design a logo for the Bull Rushers. Here is his design--which is pretty great
My design is Bull Horns on Getty Lee, which I think is a winning combination even if I did not capture it very well
The adventure was fantastic--with Six Very different PCs and players.
Our Trojan Horse wagon adventure to capture the bandits worked very well
but in the end, my PC--the great Deep Gnome Bard Sage Wynmeth was voted off the island Survivor Style...Great fun.