

Hoard of the Dragon Queen--D&D Encounters S19 S8

On the drive down to Comic Quest there were these weird cars with GoPro's on them--no idea what they were for

Jack had homework so he was out, Brian was at a work thing, Andy & I hit Pei Wei where I ordered the Green Bean appetizer and a side of rice for under five bucks--best order yet!

John finished painting my Dark Sun guy--it looks awesome! Picture did not come out very well...

Garret did his first paint on this Dwarf which looks really good, I think.

Christie's nails continue in the Halloween theme

David, the sixth grade math genius got an iPhone 6 because he got straight A's....And Skittles...and a killer, I want to grow up and be David!

John went with Fries, sweat and sour dipping sauce, a weird binder thing.

Camille is using one of the greatest mini's of all time! Needs to get some color on it, however!

We had a fun session of mostly combat. 

Players were vastly outnumbered--some failed to leap to safety

I had to DM Fiat their escape, but I think most of the players had a good time.

Except for Drew who got arrested for crashing his car into a parked car--for more on this watch the video.

Tuesday Extra Life Sign Up Day


My sister in law sent me this image of a women sitting on a bed--evidently, husband came home from work early, took this picture, and then divorced her based on something in the image. I do not see it...

Good turn out this week! I spent most of the time setting the kids up for Extra Life Fundraiser.

Jack, Preston, Dylan, & Evan are getting it done

Liam is playing like a rock star!

Alexander and Matt hard at work trading!

Jack in the zone--we drove to UCLA to see Dr Levinson after this so he was relaxed and having fun.

I made coffee in the Kurig

Tuesday has great mechanics.

Here is Leim demonstrating some dice magic

There was one rule controversy! And it was around me!

Preston cast Stormbreath Dragon with it's "protection from white"

I then cast Abzan Charm and exile it:

not realizing that the one white mattered...or cheating..either way, what should be the penalty for my miss play? 



CHOC October Infusion

As many of you know, Tuesday is doing Extra Life again this year. We choose this charity primarily because Jack goes there for infusions. Before the Benedryl knocks him unconscious Jack & I play Magic--this time we were using the Speed vs Cunning decks.

I was playing the Speed Deck, but was not able to capture the Spider-man on the corner dancing with a sign, who you can kind of see around the corner in this photo.

The hospital was super crowded this Friday & we could not get a wheel table & had to use this Bed Table crafted by the Boy Scouts of America

The nurse missed the poke and had to go Right Arm which turned out to work well, since Jack slept the entire time.

Our cards on the shelf in the room along with the Extra Life flyers I had printed out. 

 This visit was very tough--missed poke, different nurses, pharmacy forgot some meds, nurse rotations & breaks, little kids, kid in wagon, and screaming divorcing mom all lead to the stress--but Jack stayed cool and calm & we made it out clean!

I will not be sorry when this phase is over!

Tuesday's Extra Life 2014

Tuesday is starting to firm up the schedule as we enter the Membership drive period of the fund raiser.

If you have not done so, please take three minutes and sign up for Extra Life.

Monte Cook

Dungeons and Dragons is about quantifying things.