Jack and I went to Friday Night Magic @ Comic Quest
We got there a bit early and hung out--lots of Long Beach Comic Con talk--Geoff Johns gave a insider talk that the comic kids got invited to & they were STOKED.
There were also a suprising number of people who had never drafted at Comic Quest--some had not played in a while & were getting back into it with the new set, some had recently moved to the area, and some were just checking it out.
The lack of Local Grinders made for a very fun draft!
There were about 24 people there last night
Some arrived later so Level Two Judge Eric had to set up a fourth late start Pod--he handled it like a Pro!
I drafted clueless crap--not really sure what I am doing with this set...basically, I played a Black White mid-range deck with no bombs.
Drew on time against Mike--he was having much more fun than I was!
Second match against Arad was a slaughter--he just butchered me.
My third match against Julian was awesome
he was playing a rather quick deck and we matched up well with neither of us really having much by way of closers