

Khans of Tarkir Prerelease at Dice House Games

I took the Tuesday Crew to Dice House Games in Fullerton for the Khans of Tarkir Prerelease. Tuan runs the best game store in Southern California and his magic events are always high energy and very well attended.

I took Matt, Evan, Alexander, Jack, Andrew, and Will.

Dice house is super awesome in that Tuan has table mats on all the tables

My first match was against Brandon--I was playing Blue White and he crushed me. 

The table was a little crowded with some Wannabe Dude Bro's, but over all the crowd was super fun to play against and super awesome.

After the event was over and the boys got there packs we headed for Pieology for pizza.

Prerelease Plan--Khans of Tarkir

Got a very late start getting ready of this...Basically it is 5:02 AM Pacific Time & I am playing at DiceHouse at 12:00 Noon and I have looked at zero cards.

I want to play White / Black / Green -- but I do not know what that wedge is called [I don't even know the flavor, yet]--these are my notes for getting ready.

  1. Tweet the Pros--Chapin, LSV, Finkel, and Kibler for advice
  2. Image Gallery Review
  3. Tweet to Community--Wizards Magic, Wedge, & Magic the Amateuring podcast.
  4. Look at the Morph Flashcards

  5. Review the Channel Fireball PV’s Playhouse – Khans of Tarkir Prerelease Primer article
    a. Play three colors--CHECK
    b. Don't fear morph--CHECK
    c. There is lots of removal--CHECK
  6. Corrected spelling of Tarkir
  7. I think I want to play Abzan mostly because of Seige Rhino


Actual Play Hoard of the Dragon Queen--D&D Encounters S19 S5

Celestial Flare a Storm Breath Dragon

Great week at Tuesday, we invented the team saying:
 W.W.B.L.D--What Would Bruce Lee Do
which is very very funny if you are 12.

We invented a new house rule:

  1. Don't flip iPhone's to see who goes first.
And we only had one real rules discussion.

Andrew cast and swung with Stormbreath Dragon

I responded with Celestial Flare

Does Andrew sac the SBD or does he have protection from my white spell?

We ruled it did & we seem to have been right--again! 

7/1/2013Celestial Flare targets only a player, not any creature. A creature with hexproof or protection from white can be sacrificed this way.

That is three correct answers in a row!

Hoard of the Dragon Queen--D&D Encounters S19 S5

Jack was not feeling well last night--he did not want to spread shop crude, the distant biological cousin to Con Crude--so we stayed home.

Brian did send me some images from his table including this mini which I think Kate painted when she was like 4 years old!

Scott & Alan were have a great time--clearly! Most be something to do with Scottish Independence! 

The rest of the table was focused and having a good time.

Very stoked to get this shots & some vision into what is going on at the other tables when I am not around.