

Dead in Thay--D&D Encounters S18 S14

Final week of Dead in Thay at Comic Quest.

Jack and I got the new Players Handbook!

Good crew showed up again this week.

We are integrating better with the Legacy kids

I got some of the new WotC mini's--this one is great!

John has been painting T-hamas' old lead minis. This one came out really nice

Fun week and a great season!


M15 Game Day

Team Tuesday went to Magic and Monsters and  for M15 Game Day.  Team Milne was there--we had 11 people total. We split into two pods and drafted.

First round I played Lucas from the Milne Team--he had a good deck, but my Mono Blue was just to fast for him.

 My second match was the big event against Cameron--a rematch from last time.

My removal hurt him a lot & he could not draw anything to get out of a stalled bored state.

I was able to move past him as well..

Final round was against Jack and mostly just a friendly...he still has the best Mat & Deck combo:

Jack had a very fast deck that when it went off there was nothing I could do about it, but he struggled with my removal & blockers--he did not have that many tricks.

It was a great time.


Dead in Thay--D&D Encounters S18 S13

We started the week at Chipotle. There is still talk of going to some 2 dollar sushi place in the mall, but it just never seems like we have enough time. Plus Chipotle is awesome--of course, I did not eat any since Lisa has me on a diet...Jack & DM Scott ruled it

Two full table again this week.

I was on the end, and though I had no chair, I still had plenty of space.

There was some interaction between the two tables as we entered the final stages of Dead in Thay--some crazy pyramid crypt thing.

I was lucky and rolled two crits with Spiritual Weapon.