

Preparing for M15 Prerelease

Here are my notes in preparation for winning M15 Prerelease at Dice House. My pre research review lead me to the following order of prefernce--leaning toward playing a White Blue deck if possible [and I don't grab rad slivers].

  1. White
  2. Red
  3. Black
  4. Green
  5. Blue

1. Confirm

Call Dice House (714) 871-6494 and confirm US$25 price. Make sure he is going to have sleeves and stuff.

2.  Format

Prereleases are Sealed Deck format events, where players are given Prerelease Packs and time to construct a 40-card minimum deck.
3. Review  'Prerelease foil’

so white, red, & black are all playable. I am leaning toward White--last year I played all green all the time & I might as well move around the mana wheel.

4. Preview the cards

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa on Channel Fireball is a good place to start

5. Investigate development

I started The M Files: Magic 2015, Part 1 and read the stuff on the official WotC Site

6. Post on Google+

7. Update Twitter

8. Read Google+ links

9. Get confused by HuntBiggerGame Garruck thing

10. Tweet Patrick Chapin & Brian Kibler on what color they are playing

11. Follow all the designers on twitter.

12. Watch Wedges' Videos

13. Music recommendations are coming in & the boys at D&D Encounters have been recommending stuff so do some shopping--buy Xenotaph demo on band camp

which is arguable a little much so switch to Black Pyramid:

and queue up the Combichrist for some late night dark techno if things get tricky:

14. Reevaluate after listening to Wedge

  1. White
  2. Red
  3. Green
  4. Black
  5. Blue
15. Check the Spoilers for great art

16. Find funny flavor text like:
Like a meteor, it strikes from above without warning. Unlike a meteor, it then carries you off and eats you.
17. Check if other have funny flavor text 

18. Re-watch the great My Roommate is a Planeswalker

19. Browse the Shitty Magic Alters tumblr

20. Chat with Mike from Extra-Life about strategies.
ooooh haha, I thought you meant you were going to an event to recruit extra lifers.I'll be no help with Magic... I'm just getting into hearthstone!

Magic: The Gathering is out! Edition of 11 July 2014

Magic: The Gathering
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Dungeons & Dragons is out! Edition of 10 July 2014

Dungeons & Dragons
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Magic: The Gathering is out! Edition of 10 July 2014

Magic: The Gathering
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David Given Schwarm
10 July 2014
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