

The Room is a Living Sentient Ooze? Dead in Thay--D&D Encounters S18

I was late to encounters tonight--Kate had a singing performance.

The Snow Whites had split into two parties--I joined Chris, Bobby, 

& Brian [who ran iPad video that I cannot wait to see]

at DM Scott's table.

DM Scott appeared to have been just finishing up when I got there and I talked them into trying one more room....turns out it was a giant living ooze room that attacked & almost killed all of us.

 The shop was very full of Magic players--but the D&D Tables are growing.

 Bobby had a fantastic night with his Dwarf Fighter.

Round Table 20 - Digital Tools

This is the first episode of the Round Table I have listened to and I am definitely going to go back and listen to more! Really good content, great recording, fun guests...The 30 minute time is fantastic.

The Introduction--"what is the weirdest D&D Monster"--is a great opening question, even if they get the answer wrong...they go with Gelatinous Cube, Displacer Cube, Shardmind and Beholder [I think someone mentions the Gell, which is the second weirdest D&D Monster] but clearly the answer is the Roving Mauler!

The discussion of Digital Tools is nothing ground breaking--they review stuff that has been around for a while & most people are using. The announcements that came out this week from WotC do make this a lot more interesting.

They have a great discussion of online distraction at the table & what to do about it. 

The overall tone and presentation of this podcast is fast passed, light hearted, and just really a pleasure to listen to. 

I will likely go back and listen to the other 19 episodes.

Cody's Managerie


Summer Tuesday Morning

Kids bikes leaning against the front of my house can only mean one thing--Tuesday Magic Crew!

Today we had almost everyone.






Liam, Matt, Dylan

Preston had a new tattoo!

Alexander got there late, but in time for donuts! 

A fun morning--not a lot of conflict...Matt is still the man to beat, Jack was building a new deck & played some Pokemon with Preston. I lost to Alexander & beat Liam. Alexander lost to Matt. Not sure what other big games were played. Dylan is no longer playing slivers.


GM Intrusions: E31 - Navel Gazing in the Ninth World

This is a very fun interview of Lex, the host of the podcast, conducted by his significant other. They are very awesome & playful--they sound very happy together. The interview is lively and upbeat.

There is some good insight into what makes Lex tick, some clever comments into Numenera and the shape of the game. Lex has a really good understanding of what it is that makes Numenera revolutionary and awesome--from Character Creation to the particulars of the setting--Lex gets it & this interview sheds some light on just how much!

A great listen & good introduction on why running Numenera is a very good idea.