

D&D Podcast 05/30/2014

The Official D&D Podcast does not come out nearly often enough!

I would be so stoked if they moved to a once a week schedule with rotating topics, something like:

  1. CrunchUpdates on what new products are coming up, interviews with module creators, etc.
  2. FluffInformation on the Novels coming out--also, stuff from Dragon Magazine & Dungeon Magazine could be covered during this week.
  3. CommunityUpdates from Facebook, Twitter, Convention reports, Public Play updates, etc. Interviews with people doing TV shows would fall on this week.
Shelly could be the host & separate hosts would have each section--Perkins on Crunch, Nina on fluss, and maybe someone like Sarah Darkmagic on Community could end with a 60 seconds with Ed a la the 60 Minutes Andy Rooney section--it would be great.

In any event, this episode is AWESOME as always--Shelly sits down the 5E's Brain Trust Mike & Chris and gets updates on product releases and a lot more information on the upcoming adventure. There is an interview with the guys developing the Neverwinter video game Tyranny of Dragons tie in which is fantastic. 

Always great to get these updates.

Banned Sin City Poster

Yesterday I read that this poster was banned. I find that hard to believe...


Doc has a magical Shield. He also has a chandelier. And I need to level him up to 7


Vampires Suck Dead in Thay--D&D Encounters S18 S4

We started this Wednesday by dropping Kate off at a Book Club party--they read Three Muskateers.

Then we took out my Father-in-Laws trash cans.

We got food at Pei Wei--I got the veggie lettuce wraps which were roll your own & I did not see the secret sauce until too late--not a good order. The Lemon Salad was recommended by the women sorting Reaper Mini's at the shop, so I will try that next time.

Scott was planning on DM'ing this week, but Brian, Chris, Jordan, John, & Trevor did not show--so we only needed one table this week. 

DM Alan ran a fantastic game & there was tons of space.

Thomas was back! He played the Bard and seemed to have a lot of fun.

Jack's pyromancer wizard was killed by a vampire--37 points in one round-- a straight up slaughter!

John & Bobby were back this week--they were the guys who decided to attack the vampire who was fine with letting us pass--evidently the vampire had our stuff.

Victoria is back as well--she is playing an elf ranger who choose to pitch a tent during battle.

Graph paper notes--I am out of paper on my legal pad.

There are still a lot of Magic players at the shop. Legacy Wednesday.

But we really did have a fantastic amount of space.

Bobby did get a crit, but I did not get a picture of it.