

Banned Sin City Poster

Yesterday I read that this poster was banned. I find that hard to believe...


Doc has a magical Shield. He also has a chandelier. And I need to level him up to 7


Vampires Suck Dead in Thay--D&D Encounters S18 S4

We started this Wednesday by dropping Kate off at a Book Club party--they read Three Muskateers.

Then we took out my Father-in-Laws trash cans.

We got food at Pei Wei--I got the veggie lettuce wraps which were roll your own & I did not see the secret sauce until too late--not a good order. The Lemon Salad was recommended by the women sorting Reaper Mini's at the shop, so I will try that next time.

Scott was planning on DM'ing this week, but Brian, Chris, Jordan, John, & Trevor did not show--so we only needed one table this week. 

DM Alan ran a fantastic game & there was tons of space.

Thomas was back! He played the Bard and seemed to have a lot of fun.

Jack's pyromancer wizard was killed by a vampire--37 points in one round-- a straight up slaughter!

John & Bobby were back this week--they were the guys who decided to attack the vampire who was fine with letting us pass--evidently the vampire had our stuff.

Victoria is back as well--she is playing an elf ranger who choose to pitch a tent during battle.

Graph paper notes--I am out of paper on my legal pad.

There are still a lot of Magic players at the shop. Legacy Wednesday.

But we really did have a fantastic amount of space.

Bobby did get a crit, but I did not get a picture of it.

Community Cup Nominations

I have entered Jack in the Community Cup

I think you can nominate him as well.

Here is what I submitted:

13 year old Jack Schwarm does not have a Magic the Gathering Online account.
Jack started playing Magic in 2013 and brings a fantastic youthful enthusiasm to the game while playing at four game shops in Southern California, a weekly home game for 12 Seventh Graders, or doctor’s offices waiting rooms. Jack has brought friends & family to events & created a lot of new magic players.
When diagnosed with Uveitis, Jack was forced to drop Water Polo, Fencing, and most of his social activities. He has missed a lot of school due to his illness— appointments with three Eye specialists at UCLA,  Rheumatologists, Pain Management, & General Medicine doctors in Irvine, Infusions at CHOC, etc. Through all of this, he has been able to use build a community of support around Magic the Gathering which has greatly added to his recovery.

Here is the automatic response:
Thank you for submitting a nomination for the Community Cup. All submissions will be read and considered.
Have a great day and enjoy Magic Online!
The Magic Online Community Cup Team