

Haste! D&D Next Gets A Price Tag, Drops the "Next".

Another great overview of what is happening in the world of Table Top Gaming--fast, informative, and to the point. 

This is likely the best aggregation informational podcast that I listen to & I really enjoyed this ones update on D&D Next, the life extending potential of RPGs, and some of the general off the cuff comments.

A great episode of a fun podcast--highly recommended.

D&D Podcast--Dan Harmon

D&D's Dream Team--Bart Carroll & Shelly Mazzanoble interview Dan Harmon, the guy who created the TV Show community about his latest episode--Advanced Advanced D&D. 

The last time Community explored D&D it was one of the greatest TV Episodes ever--Chevy Chase was amazing & the in jokes were classic. I cannot wait to see what happens this time.

Shelly is very playful during this interview and does a great job keeping things light, focused, and fun--she really is good at what she does.

Bart is almost fan boy quiet during this episode--one can tell he really does have a lot of respect for the Dan Harmon does.Very good podcast and a very refreshing move away from the Playtest marathon we have been on for a while...


Bing Gets the Most Important things Right

I am pleased to report that Bing continues to get most things right.

Of course, Google also gets this one right.


Duel Decks at CHOC

Jack & I picked up the Jace vs Vraska Duel Deck on the way to his infusion at CHOC. 

Infusion is another way to say Chemo which freaks people out so we try to be mellow about it...unless it is Jace vs Vraska and then the entire Multiverse will hear our battle!

First a little documentation on picking up the decks...Brian was not able to find them at the local Target....the are near the cash registers in the front...on the bottom...there are a lot of them...

and very few are this fuzzy...

The battle ground at the Children's Hospital is perfect! 

And Jack was clearly ready to get his game on!

we had a great set of nurses today & the playing  surface was perfect!

The first game I got out my Vraska, but I could not get anything else going--I got mana flooded and Jack owned me. He had a lot of removal.

The second game was better, but he scooped in the end because I was able to get some card advantage rolling & kept some creature on the table. He also got his Jace out, but I removed it immediately.

After the second game, Jack passed out.


Scourge of the Sword Coast--D&D Encounters S17 S5

I missed Encounters this week--Jack was having some eye pain & headaches from his new glasses.

But DM Curtis was there running--I am sure everyone had a blast.

Scott looks ready.

he is using this fantastic minifig & frog mini--Voldemort!
