Another great week of Pathfinder's Skull & Shackles adventure path at Scotts!
The full write up is over on epic words.
As always, I had a ton of space at the table for my notebook
My Game Science & Q-Workshop dice and dice tower
and even my camera--which Chase was running for this session--he is tired of being on camera all of the time.
Scott has very classic dice.
Chase is running a pile of mostly randomly assembled dice
David has a collection of hard to read mostly random dice as well.
The maps for this Adventure Path are amazing.
David is wearing his Captain hat, which spent a lot of time on the floor this session!
Chase was having a very good time.
Scott was on fire for this session--really a total blast!
There was mostly role play until the big final show down with the Zombie Pirate Boat
Which was a huge epic battle
During which just about everyone was completely awesome!
There was a lot of team work & strategy going on.
And several great charges & retreats
Without the healing we would have lost very quickly, I think.
The Skull & Shackle mini's are fantastic! This out of focus photo does not begin to do this figure justice.
Here is a better image from the web
I was able to get Jet, my octopus familiar who used to be Taiko into the act this evening.
Unfortunately, it was too little to late--DM Scott hit Kryptonite with a ruthless Severed Tendon Crit
and then critted the scar table so I lost my leg!
Very good time was had by all.