

UCLA Jules Stern Eye Institute

Jack had an eye exam at UCLA this week that involved a lot of testing, which was great news for us because it meant we could bring our decks!

the office had a fantastic end table that we could use--but it was pretty crowded.
and we had to use the couch arms to store stuff which kept falling off between the cushions.

The office staff thought we were awesome--and we spent a lot of time explaining magic to to some of the other patients.

Eventually we were able to move to a central coffee table that had a lot more space.

After the eye exam we went to lunch at Native Foods at the Camp.

Soul Bowl is still the greatest thing on earth.

The sunset was amazing when we got home.

overall not a bad day at the doctors.

Friday Nights Open Credit Cards


Big Dumb Two Headed Creature goes 1-2

Another fine Friday Night Magic at Majestic Card Shop in Costa Mesa.

I was at the kids table where the drafting was all over the map & I got tricked into drafting for value. again. Largely because of this card handed to me deck 2 round 4...up until then I was in Red Green and this changed my strategy completely...and late round draft changes are generally not a good move for me.

Jack went with a Green White Heroic deck that did very well--I think he went 2-1 loosing first round to a red deck when he did not draw very well.

Derek was at his first FNM and of course won! He was playing Green Blue and did really well in all of his matches.
The adult table had some very strong players this week--Aggro decks are winning in draft--crusing mono black and mono blue strategies.

My promo card was a Swan Song--so the night was not a total waste!


King of Tokyo--Kraken vs. Wind Up

Like most American Five Year Old boys, my son Cody is obsessed with Skylanders.

Last night we created a King of Tokyo score card for Wind Up, his current favorite Skylander, so that he could play him in our nightly game.

Cody is still very much about getting cards with energy cubes.

He really got into it last night--the game is designed for older kids, but Cody basically has all the rules memorized and is just working on strategy now.

It was a late night & I looked like your classic crazy dad!

Here is a close up on the Wind Up drawing we put on the score card.

Cody was eating homemade cookies while we were playing--this one went unfinished.

Telepath was the card that cody wanted the most--but he also really liked shrink ray.

in the end Cody once again defeated me & remains the King of Tokyo!