Last night for D&D Encounters, Brian drove this kick ass Dodge Challanger!
He got hit in Newport while heading to the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary, which was great--not getting in a car crash, the episode of Doctor Who was great. Like a Hold Steady record with more time travel. Very fun!
The Car was fun also...
The highlight of the D&D Game was this amazing dice tower that Eric built!
I assume that these will be huge on Etsy by the end of the week.
We had a good turn out this week--about twelve players at one table.
Brandon continues to roll at Pole Position--this week he dropped his dwarf for a bow ranger.
Thor's Death Cleric continues to dominate. Codie has a bard.
Behind the screen there was a lot of chaos.
Jack was in fine form again. New guy Curtis rocked Mowie the Half-Orc Barbarian with a ideal of Happiness--this is going to be great!
There were a lot of crits--I scored one early with the big boy die!