We are using the D&D Next rules, which I have not read.
My plan it to run a fairly loose and off the cuff campaign.
I started this by modifying the first encounter to involved Plague Touched Arctic Creatures [I plan to use a lot of Spell Plague stuff this season--since it will likely be completely retcon'd by the Sundering, I may as well do my best to make it memorable].
I started with a spell touched arctic hound to replace the Crag Cat in the adventure
The party slaughtered them no problem--D&D Next threat level is very old school--everything is fairly squishy in ways that are often unpredictable.
Jake is playing a mage. Brian is playing some kind of Hip Hop bard. Scott is playing Drizzt. Thor is playing a broken Death Cleric.
Sarah also has a bard. Jack is a gnome theif.
Will, who actually knows the rules, is playing a barbarian, Cody has a bard or something as well,
Elizabeth was playing the NPC Aldo--she had not played in a while. Carlos has a knight with a foil riding an ice crocodile or something. Eric is playing Druid the Druid.
The adventure began with the players rolling on my Random Ideals Table:
They made quick work of the Plague Touched Beasts. They split the party to repair Aldo's cart, but I did not know how to take advantage of that--out of practice as a DM, I think. I will make them pay for that next time.
The combat with the Yeti's went well--players learned their characters.
There was not a lot of threat--the Yeti's were very squishy.
Looking foreword to next week.