Another fantastic Skull & Shackles Adventure!
This week we meet at my house to continue our adventure.
Chase picked up Irish Nachos
A sick treat that went very will with DM Scott's adventure & Mouse's Skull & Crossbow flag
I caught it all on film & will be updating my youtube channel with the action.
Cousin David had a crazy pile of dice.
Irish nachos went all around the table.
Mouse also brought some Animal Crackers.
Some of which may have found their way into the ranch dipping sauce for new levels of gross.
I was using my new yellow Skull & Shackles dice from Q-Workshop.
The adventure was a lot of water cave exploration with these mindless fish men.
The party is really starting to work well with each other.
This is a pile of everything we killed.
I broke in my new dice set with a crit
and then the die realized who it was working for and turned on me.
David had a roll of like 3 crits in a row--it was amazing.